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Integration & Automation-associate form assignment

This example describes how to assign values to associated forms through integration automation.


This tutorial uses some basic functions of YIDA. You can first learn about the following functions.


Implementation steps

Create form page

Create a normal form page named "normal form". For more information, seeCommon form.

Drag the following components into the canvas area.

  • Single line text: name the product name
  • Numerical value: named quantity

Create a flow chart page named flow chart. For more information, seeFlow chart.

Drag the following components into the canvas area.

  • Single line text: name the product name
  • Numerical value: named quantity

Create a common form page named target Table. For more information, seeCommon form.

Drag the following components into the canvas area.

  • Associated form: associate a normal form with the normal form.
  • Associate flow chart: Named associate normal form, associate [flow chart] form

Configure General form Integration & Automation

Create integration automation.

Note the formula.

Configure the following formula to modify the fields.

Formula field description:

  • appType: Associate form componentsAssociated tableappType of the application
  • formUuid: Associate form componentsAssociated tableformUuid
  • formType: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe form type of, receipt (normal form), process (flow chart)
  • instanceId: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe instance ID of the data.
  • title: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe main information field
  • subTitle: Associate form componentsAssociated tableSecondary information field
{"text":"CONCATENATE(\"[{\\"appType\\": \\"APP_ZTKKLYK568MD5YON2R9L\\", \\"formUuid\\": \\"FORM-JH9660C1J7Q8ASCR80RKGDUN3TEL2P8PK5WELYE\\",\\"formType\\": \\"receipt\\", \\"instanceId\\": \\"\", ​表单实例ID​, \"\\", \\"title\\": \\"\", ​产品名称​, \"\\", \\"subTitle\\": \\"\", ​数量​, \"\\"}]\")","marks":[{"from":{"line":0,"ch":169,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":177,"sticky":null},"value":"__masterdata_form_inst_id","invalid":false},{"from":{"line":0,"ch":200,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":206,"sticky":null},"value":"textField_lbfu1xg1","invalid":false},{"from":{"line":0,"ch":232,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":236,"sticky":null},"value":"numberField_lbfu1xg2","invalid":false}],"isCmData":true}

After the configuration is completed, the integration automation is released.

Configure [flow chart] Integration & Automation

Create integration automation.

Note the formula.

Configure the following formula to modify the fields.

Formula field description:

  • appType: Associate form componentsAssociated tableappType of the application
  • formUuid: Associate form componentsAssociated tableformUuid
  • formType: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe form type of, receipt (normal form), process (flow chart)
  • instanceId: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe instance ID of the data.
  • title: Associate form componentsAssociated tableThe main information field
  • subTitle: Associate form componentsAssociated tableSecondary information field
{"text":"CONCATENATE(\"[{\\"appType\\": \\"APP_ZTKKLYK568MD5YON2R9L\\", \\"formUuid\\": \\"FORM-4FD4B06E07854D8486965BA48C9DF3A7EBHR\\",\\"formType\\": \\"process\\", \\"instanceId\\": \\"\", ​表单实例ID​, \"\\", \\"title\\": \\"\", ​产品名称​, \"\\", \\"subTitle\\": \\"\", ​数量​, \"\\"}]\")","marks":[{"from":{"line":0,"ch":166,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":174,"sticky":null},"value":"__masterdata_form_inst_id","invalid":false},{"from":{"line":0,"ch":197,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":203,"sticky":null},"value":"textField_m46uttmb","invalid":false},{"from":{"line":0,"ch":229,"sticky":null},"to":{"line":0,"ch":233,"sticky":null},"value":"numberField_m46uttmc","invalid":false}],"isCmData":true}

After the configuration is completed, the integration automation is released.


How to View associated tables

The table associated with the associated form attribute in the associated form attribute is the associated table.

How to View primary information and secondary information fields

The fields configured in the display settings attribute of the associated form are primary information and secondary information fields.

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