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Submit and view custom tables

1. Usage scenarios

In YIDA, simple form submission can be implemented using ordinary forms, but ordinary forms cannot customize table styles. When we need complex table styles and submit them, how should we implement them? In YIDA, you can use custom pages for development. Custom pages include JSX and HTML Components to implement complex business scenarios. This document shows you how to configure the submission and viewing of custom tables.

2. Video tutorial


3. Procedure

3.1 Step 1: Create a data dependency form

Data dependency forms: data dependency forms are used to store data submitted on custom pages.

To pass data from a custom page to a form page through an interface, you need to obtain the unique identifier of the form page. Note that the handwritten signature component cannot pass values directly on the interface, therefore, use a single line of text as an aid.

Figure 3.1 data dependency form

3.2 Step 2: Create a custom submission page

3.2.1 form making tools

Generate a table style within the link:

Note: Table making tools TablesGenerator is an online table code tool in LaTeX, HTML, and Markdown formats. It supports filling data in tables, modifying font/background colors, and aligning methods.

Figure 3.2-1 use TablesGenerator

Copy the code into JSX,JSX>Edit JSX code >Copy and paste the code

Figure 3.2-2 draw a table

Copy the generated styleJSX>Style>Source code editing. You can change the style by yourself in source code editing.

Figure 3.2-3 Copy to JSX source code editing

The following code can be directly copied to the source code for editing.

.tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%}
.tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;
overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;}
.tg th{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;
font-weight:normal;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;}
.tg .tg-34fe{background-color:#c0c0c0;border-color:inherit;text-align:center;vertical-align:top}
.tg .tg-c3ow{border-color:inherit;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;}


Obtain component tags>Define attributes>Rendering component

Figure 3.2-4 JSX rendering components

3.2.2 use variable data sources in JSX

In the future, you need to reuse attributes and pass values to the interface to add and view data. You need to use variable data sources to define attributes.

Define Variable Data sources>Replace attribute values with variables>Rendering component

Figure 3.2-5 set variable data source

Define a onchange method in the js panel, and then use this.onChange in JSX to set the onchange properties of the component. The function is to update the component value to the variable data source and render it.

Figure 3.2-6 obtain component values update variable data sources

The following code can be directly copied and edited in the JS panel,Note: the unique identifier of the JSX component is required.

export function onChange({ value }, index) {
//console.log(value, index);
//给 componentIds 变量数据源的 index 下标赋 value 值
this.state.componentIds[index] = value;

The following code can be directly copied and edited in JSX code.Note: to configure the variable data source and change the unique identifier to the unique identifier of the dependent form.

function render(me, state, data, ctx) {
const { radioDatas, componentIds, componentStatus } = this.state;
return (
<table class="tg">
<th class="tg-34fe" colspan="20">测试表格</th>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">单选</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><RadioField dataSource={radioDatas} value={componentIds.radioField_kt8hni6y} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'radioField_kt8hni6y') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">日期</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><DateField value={componentIds.dateField_kt8hni6z} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'dateField_kt8hni6z') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">手写签名</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><DigitalSignatureField useLastSignature={false} value={componentIds.textField_kt8i83vj} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'textField_kt8i83vj') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">多行文本</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><TextareaField placeholder={"请输入"} value={componentIds.textareaField_kt8hni71} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'textareaField_kt8hni71') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">下拉单选</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><SelectField dataSource={radioDatas} hasClear={true} value={componentIds.selectField_kt8hni72} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'selectField_kt8hni72') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">数值</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><NumberField value={componentIds.numberField_kt8hni73} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'numberField_kt8hni73') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">单行文本</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><TextField hasClear={true} placeholder={"请输入"} value={componentIds.textField_kt8hni74} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'textField_kt8hni74') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="4">成员</td>
<td class="tg-c3ow" colspan="6"><EmployeeField hasClear={true} value={componentIds.employeeField_kt8hni75} onChange={(value) => { this.onChange(value, 'employeeField_kt8hni75') }} behavior={componentStatus} /></td>

3.2.3 configure submit button

To make the page beautiful, you can drag a container component to place the button component into the container component and set the container style.

Configure remote data sources>Button Assembly>Action settings> onclik click event

The variable data source changes to the loading state when clicking submit, and disables the button and components on the page after the submission is completed. You are not allowed to click submit for the second time.

Call the remote data source 「Add a form instance"Interface to update the value of the component to after the onclik event is triggered.componentIds in the variable data source, the value is used as the request parameter to the interface to store the value of the custom page component to the form. In order to inform the custom page whether the submission is completed, a pop-up message box is defined. A prompt is configured for the submission success or failure.

Figure 3.2-7 data sources required to store data in dependent tables

Figure 3.2-call the interface to pass parameters when clicking the button at 8 points

The following code can be directly copied and edited in the JS panel.Note: replace formUuid and appType and complete the above operations before.

export function onClick(){
const componentIds = this.state.componentIds
let loading = this.utils.toast({
type: "loading",
title: "提交中..."
bthLoading: true
let params = {
formUuid: "FORM-XJ866N71G7ET96RS09BNI5ZCKIZM3ZPO6F9TK13",
appType: "APP_JKH50FL33A0H8GJBQEHL",
formDataJson: JSON.stringify(componentIds)
this.dataSourceMap.createData.load(params).then(res => {
if (res) {
type: "success",
title: "提交成功!"
componentStatus: "DISABLED",
bthLoading: false,
bthStatus: "DISABLED",
}).catch(err => {
type: "error",
title: "提交失败!"

3.3 Step 3: Create a custom View page

Table components> configure a remote data source> bind a table data source> add a data column title and data field

For more information, see:Customize page tables to implement data management page functions

Figure 3.3-1 configure table components

Note that the handwritten signature component is an image and needs to be set.Custom rendering of columns.

Figure 3.3-2 set custom rendering images

The following code can be directly copied and edited in the JS panel.

export function renderCell(value, index, rowData) {
return <span>
<img src={value} style={{ display: "block", width: "100px" }} />

3.4 Step 4: configure a custom View page

How to view data after submitting data is also a custom submitted table style.

3.4.1 The Custom Data View page carries parameters to the custom submit page.

Set the action column of the table>Add an action item named details>Click edit>Bind callback actions

Figure 3.4.1 Bind operation column callback function

The following code can be directly copied and edited in the JS panel,Note: replace the link with the custom submit page access link.

export function onActionClick(rowData) {
this.utils.router.push("", { formInstId: rowData.formInstId }, true, true);

3.4.2 receive parameters on the custom submission page and call the interface to obtain the values of dependent tables and display them on the page.

(1) define remote data getDataById

Interface reference documents:Query Form instance details based on form instance ID

(2) write data back to the page through the passed Form ID

Bind the didmount event when the page is loaded, receive the parameter formInstId carried by the jump link and send it to the getDataById data source as the request parameter. After the data source is loaded, change the value in the variable.

Bind didimount and trigger

The following code can be directly copied to the JS panel.

export function didMount() {
console.log(`「页面 JS」:当前页面地址 ${location.href}`);
// console.log(`「页面 JS」:当前页面 id 参数为 ${}`);
// 更多 this 相关 API 请参考:
// document.title = window.loginUser.userName + ' | 宜搭';
const { urlParams } = this.state;
if (urlParams.formInstId) {
let params = {
formInstId: urlParams.formInstId
this.dataSourceMap.getDataById.load(params).then(res => {
componentIds: res.formData,
componentStatus: "READONLY",
bthStatus: "DISABLED",

3.5 temporary storage function

After the above operations are completed, you can refer to the following content to describe how to implement the temporary storage function of a custom page.

Prepare two pages: a temporary form and a custom submit page created above.

3.5.1 create a temporary storage form

Temporary storage form: used to store data stored temporarily on custom pages.

Note: the unique identifier of the temporary form component must be the same as that of the data-dependent form,Therefore, copy the dependent form page or copy the component to ensure that the unique identifier of the component is the same.

Two new components are added to the temporary storage form to store the Operation Manual Number of the temporary storage person ID and the temporary storage time to store the operation time.

Temporary form page

3.5.2 create a custom temporary save button

(1) define remote data sources

Add a form instance: The function is to pass the data in the custom page component to the dependency/temporary form for subsequent calls.

Search form instance details by criteria: The function is to call the interface to find the data of the current login person in the temporary storage table and make a judgment in the data processing. If there is a pop-up window to remind the user whether to reuse it, the returned data is sent to the componentIds variable data source.

Delete a form instance: determines that the data in the staging table is deleted after the data is reused on the page.

Temporary storage of required remote data sources

Perform data processing in the remote data source of the search form instance, and use the dialog method defined in the JS panel to make a pop-up dialog box. For more information, see the following code.

function didFetch(content) {
if (content.totalCount != 0) {
//调用 JS 面板的 dialog 方法并传参
return content; // 重要,需返回 content
// JS 面板中的方法
export function dialog(data) {
method: 'confirm',
title: '提示',
content: `您于${this.utils.formatter("date", data.formData.dateField_kti1seu4, 'YYYY年MM月DD日hh时mm分ss秒')}暂存了一条数据,是否填充到表单内?`,
footerActions: ['cancel', 'ok'],
onOk: () => {
let params = {
formInstId: data.formInstId
componentIds: data.formData
//给变量数据源赋值后 JSX 渲染
onCancel: () => {
temporaryBtnStatus: "DISABLED"
(2) define variable data sources

temporaryBtnLoading: the loading status of the temporary storage button

temporaryBtnStatus: temporary button status

Control the status of the temporary storage button

(3) drag button component binding action

Button binding action

The following code can be copied directly into the JS panel,Note: You need to change formUuid, appType, and the unique identifier of the temporary person ID/temporary time.

export function onClick2() {
const { componentIds } = this.state;
componentIds.textField_kti1seu3 = window.loginUser.userId; //暂存人ID
componentIds.dateField_kti1seu4 = new Date().getTime(); //暂存时间
let loading = this.utils.toast({
type: "loading",
title: "暂存中..."
temporaryBtnLoading: true
let params = {
formUuid: "FORM-2T866B813EITKW2P59M9KCYDINQB2144S1ITKHK",
appType: "APP_JKH50FL33A0H8GJBQEHL",
formDataJson: JSON.stringify(componentIds)
this.dataSourceMap.createData.load(params).then(res => {
if (res) {
type: "success",
title: "暂存成功!"
componentStatus: "DISABLED",
temporaryBtnLoading: false,
bthStatus: "DISABLED",
temporaryBtnStatus: "DISABLED"
}).catch(err => {
type: "error",
title: "暂存失败!"

4. Achieve results

Demonstration of JSX's implementation of custom tables

5. Try it online

Submit the online experience of the page, please go to the Developer Center👉Submit a custom form

To view the online experience on the page, go to the Developer Center.👉Custom table view

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