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Automatically calculate constellation based on ID number

Constellations are matched based on the date of birth (11 to 14 digits); For example, when the date of birth is Aries between March and April, other constellations continue to be compiled accordingly.

1. IF function determination

Use the IF function to write the formula.

IF(A,B,IF(C,D,E) is understoodIf A is satisfied, B is returned; If A is not satisfied but C is satisfied, D is returned; If both A and C are not satisfied, E is returned.

The following code can be directly copied to the formula editor,Replace the ID number field.

  • IF
  • LEN(text): returns the number of characters in a text string
  • AND(A, B, …): meet both A and B...
  • MID(A,B,C): in A string, C characters are retrieved from bit B.
  • VALUE(): converts the string retrieved by the MID function into a number.
  • GE(value1,value2): value1 greater than or equal to value2 returns true, supports numbers, date
  • LE(value1,value2):value1 is less than or equal to value2 and returns true. Numbers and dates are supported.

Computing constellation

2. Case demonstration


Automatic constellation calculation video demonstration

3. For more information about identity, please read the document.👇:

1.Automatically calculate birthday based on ID number

2.Automatically calculate gender based on ID number

3.Automatically calculate province based on ID number

4.Automatically calculate zodiac signs based on ID number

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