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Integration Center


After submitting data on the YIDA process page, task data is generated in the Task Center of the application dimension and organization dimension. According to the status of the task, it is divided into "I created 」," Pending processing "," I have processed ", and" CC my ". These data are stored, updated, and queried through their own services YIDA along with the flow of the process.

For enterprises/organizations with the exclusive version of YIDA, you can use the integrated enterprise approval task message function of the integration center to connect with the Enterprise/organization's own Task Center or to-do system, when the application process generates tasks and updates tasks, the enterprise/organization service is called for data push.

After the connector is configured, each task (all tasks) approved by each YIDA application in the organization will be automatically pushed to the service address registered in the following figure, in the corresponding service callback, the enterprise can selectively process and consume YIDA of the approval-related events at its own discretion.

How to use


  1. Enterprise/organization is YIDA exclusive edition
  2. It has its own service system and can provide HTTP services for YIDA to call.
  3. A service callback format that meets YIDA is required.
  4. Network accessible

Access process

Create an HTTP connector

Create an HTTP connector in the required Enterprise/organization and configure the services to be connected in the connector, as shown in the following figure:

You can create a connector for each interface service, configure an action for each connector, or create multiple actions in the same connector to represent different interface services.

  • Configure five connection actions, corresponding to the creation, end, cancel, delete, and CC of the approval task. Similar to webhook, when these events are triggered, YIDA the system automatically calls back to register

Add connector action

For more information about how to create a connector, see:

Note: When calling the dedicated Task Center callback service, the interface itself already has the signature verification function, so you can select no identity authentication when creating the connector action ", if the authentication of the connector is still required, follow the connector documentation.

The following content describes the information required by the dedicated Task Center:

Connector action: create a task

  • Request method: POST
  • Request input parameters:
    • task: task details in JSON format, including key information such as application appType, enterprise corpId, task title, task ID, instance ID, creator, approver, and approval address.
    • sign: parameter signature. The input parameter is encrypted according to certain requirements for the service provider to verify the signature. The signature verification method is shown in the following figure.
    • dateTime: current timestamp string
  • Request result: no specific requirements are available.
"actionerId": null,
"actionerName": null,
"appType": "APP_RY60OCRF33Z7534***",
"createTime": 1693462062502,
"currentActivityInstances": null,
"dataMap": {
"cascadeDateField_l4sbkqco": null,
"selectField_l523dlqi_value": null,
"selectField_l523dlqi_value_en_us": null,
"multiSelectField_l523dlqk": null,
"numberField_l4s57vma": "1",
"selectField_l523dlqi": null,
"imageField_llyrklcy": "****",
"textareaField_l4s57vmf": "",
"textField_l4s57vm9": "",
"tableField_l4s57vmb": "[{\"numberField_li9yr6gs\":\"\",\"textField_l4s57vmc\":\"\",\"textField_l4s57vmd\":\"\",\"textField_l51tzkqs\":\"\"}]"
"dataType": "pinst",
"deep3": true,
"finishTime": null,
"formInstanceId": "65ab8549-aa06-486a-b5b7-8abe845303a5",
"formUuid": "FORM-MT866EA1X3N9W79GDQM2HB400M413OS76A2GL51",
"instValue": "***"
"modifiedTime": 1693462062502,
"modifyUserAvatar": "",
"modifyUserDisplayName": "",
"modifyUserId": "01690741902689",
"openAvatar": "",
"openId": "",
"openNickname": "",
"openSource": "",
"originatorAvatar": "",
"originatorCorpId": "ding5d17e3add038d44535c2f4657eb6378f",
"originatorCorpName": "",
"originatorDisplayName": "张红",
"originatorId": "01690741902689",
"processApprovedResult": "",
"processApprovedResultText": "",
"processCode": "TPROC--9BC6687125N9XAJ8873I0864QY122BZ96A2GL1",
"processId": 0,
"processInstanceId": "",
"processInstanceStatus": "",
"processInstanceStatusText": "",
"processName": "",
"serialNo": "",
"title": "**的1位访客申请",
"version": 10
Connector action: complete the task

  • Request method: POST
  • Request input parameters:
    • appType: Application ID
    • corpId: Enterprise ID
    • taskId: Task ID
    • actualWorkId: actual handler
    • formInstId: instance ID
    • sign: parameter signature. The input parameter is encrypted according to certain requirements for the service provider to verify the signature. The signature verification method is shown in the following figure.
    • dateTime: current timestamp string
  • Request result: no specific requirements are available.
Connector action: cancel a task

  • Request method: POST
  • Request input parameters:
    • appType: Application ID
    • corpId: Enterprise ID
    • taskId: Task ID
    • actualWorkId: actual handler
    • formInstId: instance ID
    • sign: parameter signature. The input parameter is encrypted according to certain requirements for the service provider to verify the signature. The signature verification method is shown in the following figure.
    • dateTime: current timestamp string
  • Request result: no specific requirements are available.
Connector action: Delete a task

Note: Currently, the deletion task only occurs when the instance is deleted. Therefore, the instance ID is used as the input parameter when the callback service is called.

  • Request method: POST
  • Request input parameters:
    • appType: Application ID
    • corpId: Enterprise ID
    • formInstId: instance ID
    • sign: parameter signature. The input parameter is encrypted according to certain requirements for the service provider to verify the signature. The signature verification method is shown in the following figure.
    • dateTime: current timestamp string
  • Request result: no specific requirements are available.

Signature process

The interface signature of the service callback is encrypted by MD5. The encryption structure issignThe parameter is sent to the service provider. During the signing process, YIDA applications are required.systemTokenAs the signing key

  1. The parameter keys of all input parameters are sorted by String. Case_insensitive_order
  2. Concatenate the corresponding parameter values into the string before encryption according to the sorting of keys.
  3. WillsystemTokenConcatenated after the string obtained in step 2
  4. The MD5 algorithm is used to encrypt the string obtained in step 3. The UTF-8 character set is required for encryption.

Configure synchronization policies

  • Configure a created approval connector in the Integration Center


For example, the following figure shows that customers in an industry summarize the approval tasks to a self-built approval Task Center based on the integration and development capabilities of the dedicated YIDA, which solves YIDA types of system applications. The enterprise has its own business systems, multi-platform BPM processes such as production systems and administrative systems are aggregated uniformly.


Q: Will the integration center take effect on historical data after the configuration is successful?

A: No. It takes effect only for new data.

Q: If the service pushed by the integration center reports an error due to a customer system failure, does the YIDA provide the function of querying related logs and whether there is a mechanism of retrying at the bottom if the push fails?

A: The YIDA integration center is implemented based on event-driven, and does not provide A bottom-up solution for the time being. The system does not have relevant logic such as retry.

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