Data & reports
Q: How can I jump to data details in a basic table?
You can go链接跳转Learn how to configure table link jump. You can customize the target address jump, such as viewing data details.
You can learn from YIDA-one question and answer:
Q: How to merge the same fields in the basic table (Merge cells)?
With the ability to merge cells in the report-table component, you can quickly merge and display the same fields in columns,When the same field order is confusing, sort the column fields to be merged first., and then enable the ability to merge cells.

Q: When you select a dataset, the primary and child tables cannot be selected at the same time?
By default, it cannot be selected at the same time. You need to associate it by viewing charts (or data preparation).
YIDA in the report, you can set the association condition to associate the primary table with the subform data by using "instance ID of the primary table = parent instance ID of the subform data.
Q:Why did the system prompt me to trigger "YIDA resource protection"
To ensure the overall stable performance of the YIDA, the system YIDA added computing resource consumption for monitoring complex data queries. For example, using the report formulas VAL and CASEWHEN can easily generate SQL statements for complex data queries, which may trigger YIDA resource protection measures.