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Floating text is displayed above the custom page carousel chart.

1. Usage scenarios

This example describes how to configure carousel on the YIDA custom page.

2. Implement functions

2.1 create a custom page

2.2 Copy the following code to the page

export function renderDiyContent(item, index) {
return <div style={{
height: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '200px' : '300px'}`,
position: 'relative',
backgroundImage: `url(${item.src})`,
backgroundPosition: '0 0',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat'
}} onClick={() => { this.onClick(item) }}>
<span style={{
position: 'absolute',
top: '16%',
left: '4%',
fontSize: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '26px' : '38px'}`,
fontFamily: 'PingFangSC-Medium',
fontWeight: '500',
color: '#fff'
<span style={{
width: '90%',
position: 'absolute',
top: '40%',
left: '4%',
fontSize: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '16px' : '20px'}`,
fontFamily: 'PingFangSC-Medium',
fontWeight: '500',
color: '#fff'
<span onClick={() => {
this.utils.router.push(, {}, true, true);
}} style={{
position: 'absolute',
bottom: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '14%' : '20%'}`,
left: '4%',
color: 'rgb(0, 127, 255)',
fontSize: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '16px' : '18px'}`,
fontFamily: 'PingFangSC-Medium',
borderRadius: '6px',
padding: `${this.utils.isMobile() ? '6px 16px' : '8px 18px'}`,
border: '1px solid hsla(210, 7%, 53%, .24)',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
cursor: 'pointer'
</div >;

Carousel chart data:

const sliderData = [{
title: '大协同 链时代',
desc: '2022钉钉7.0产品发布会',
src: '!!6000000005208-2-tps-1920-1300.png',
btnText: '立即查看',
link: '',
}, {
title: '钉钉进步体',
desc: '永久免费商用',
src: '!!6000000004270-2-tps-1920-1300.png',
btnText: '立即查看',
link: '',
}, {
title: '全新一站式沟通协作',
desc: '群2.0和首页分组重磅上线,还有更多体验创新待你发现',
src: '!!6000000007154-2-tps-3840-2600.png',
btnText: '立即查看',
link: '',
}, {
title: '数字韧性',
desc: '2022钉钉数字化领军企业秋季钉峰会',
src: '!!6000000005376-2-tps-2496-1690.png',
btnText: '立即查看',
link: '',
}, {
title: '阿里邮箱-钉钉融合版',
desc: '钉+邮深度融合,随时随地助力企业高效办公',
src: '!!6000000003166-0-tps-2880-1950.jpg',
btnText: '立即查看',
link: '',
}, {
title: '钉钉专业版',
desc: '企业专属、安全、开放的数字化办公',
src: '!!6000000002597-2-tps-1920-1300.png',
btnText: '立即预约',
link: '',
}, {
title: '钉钉专属版',
desc: '企业专属、安全、开放的数字化办公',
src: '!!6000000006065-2-tps-2496-1690.png',
btnText: '立即预约',
link: '',

2.3 event/data binding

Style modification:

:root {
height: 300px;

.next-slick-dots-item button{
background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);
} button{
background: #fff;

3. Achieve results

4. Try it online

This doc is generated using machine translation. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
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