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Custom page drop-down select real-time search form data (anti-shake application instance)

1. Usage scenarios

This example describes how to use anti-shake to select real-time search form data in the YIDA custom page.

Document Source:Anti-shake Debounce

2. Principle

Execute the callback function n seconds after the event is triggered. If the event is re-triggered within n seconds, the time is re-timed. The result is that frequently triggered events are merged once and executed at the end.

For example:

The elevator will close and start to operate after 5 seconds. If someone comes in, wait for 5 seconds, someone will come in within 5 seconds, and wait for 5 seconds to re-time... until more than 5 seconds, the elevator will not start to operate.

3. Implement functions

3.1. Configure drop-down select data base table

Select the association option from the drop-down list of the custom page.

3.2. Custom page configuration

3.2.1. Page configuration

3.2.2. Configure a data source to obtain form data

Request address:

`/${window.pageConfig.appType || window.g_config.appKey}/v1/form/searchFormDatas.json`

3.2.3. Configure variables



3.3. Page function configuration

3.3.1. Configure the Get drop-down selection option function

Note modify the form formUuid and field unique identifier as needed.

* 获取下拉选择选项
* @param searchKey: {String} 实时查询参数
* @param uniqValue: {Boolean} 选项是否去重
export function getSelectDataSource(searchKey = '', uniqValue = true) {
formUuid: 'FORM-6F889E5B2C79445880289736CFEFAA80QV8I',
pageSize: 100,
searchFieldJson: JSON.stringify({
textField_lahnv890: searchKey,
}).then((res) => {
const { data = [] } = res;
const selectDataSource = => {
const { formData = {} } = item;
return {
text: formData.textField_lahnv890,
value: formData.textField_lahnv890,
selectDataSource: uniqValue ? _.uniqBy(selectDataSource, 'value') : selectDataSource,
}).catch(({ message }) => {
title: message,
type: 'error',

3.3.2. Select OnSearch search action from the configuration drop-down list.

Bind the following functions:

* selectField onSearch
* @param value: {String} 数据
export function onSearch(keyword) {
if (this.state.debounceTimer) {
// 注意防抖,防抖案例:
const debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
debounceTimer: null,
}, 300);

3.3.3. Drop-down select binding options

4. Effect

5. Try it online

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