The custom page table displays the main table and sub-table information.
1. Case Background
When the form contains both main table information and sub-table information, we want to display both main table information and sub-table information in the custom page table, which requires special data processing, at this time, we can refer to the following cases.
2. Achieve results
💡Implement custom page tables to display both primary table data and sub-table data

3. Implementation steps
3.1 create a data base table
Path: Enter the created application> upper left corner of the page + sign> create a common form

Create a bottom table
Bottom table component configuration

3.2 create a custom page

Create a custom page
3.2.1 custom page component configuration

3.2.2 custom page table field configuration
Note: You can set field configurations based on the table content.
Title | Data Field | Data type | Group title |
Single line text 1 | danhang1 | Text | / |
Single line text 2 | danhang2 | Text | / |
Single line text 11 | danhang11 | Text | Subform |
Single line text 22 | danhang22 | Text | Subform |

Custom page table field configuration method
3.2.3 custom page table configuration

Select table foldable/Tree Table

Enable tree
3.3 custom page data source configuration and binding
3.3.1 data source configuration
Name: dp2
Auto load: enabled
Request address:/dingtalk/web/Application coding/v1/form/searchFormDatas.json
Request method: GET
Request parameters: Name: formUuid parameters:Bottom table form ID

Basic data source configuration
3.3.2 data processing configuration of data source

3.3.3 didFetch code configuration in functions

didFetch function code configuration
Sample code:
function didFetch(content) {
const value = [];
const data = => {
var c=[]
var d = item.formData.底表子表单组件唯一标识
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
const a={
danhang11: d[i].底表子表单那内单行文本3组件唯一标识,
danhang22: d[i].底表子表单那内单行文本4组件唯一标识
let arr = {
danhang1: item.formData.底表单行文本1唯一标识,
danhang2: item.formData.底表单行文本2唯一标识,
let result = {
"data": value,
"currentPage": content.currentPage,
"totalCount": content.totalCount
return result;
3.3.4 table binding data source
Select a table and click data source

Select the created data source and click OK

4. Try it online
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