How do I convert numbers to English in a form?
1. Use background
If the built application involves some external orders, the value must be expressed in English. You can refer to this document to convert the value to English.
2. Procedure
2.1 Step 1: Page design
Create a form page and drag a numeric component and a single-line text component.
Figure 2.1-1 page design
2.2 Step 2: bind values onchange actions
The numeric component binds onchange actions and writes code in the pop-up JS panel.
Figure 2.2-1 binding action
Figure 2.2-2 write relevant code
The following code can be directly copied in the JS panel,Note: You need to replace the unique identifier of the component.
export function onChange({ value }) {
console.log("value", value)
var numberToWords = function (num) {
// 1到19
const unitObj = {
1: " One",
2: " Two",
3: " Three",
4: " Four",
5: " Five",
6: " Six",
7: " Seven",
8: " Eight",
9: " Nine",
10: " Ten",
11: " Eleven",
12: " Twelve",
13: " Thirteen",
14: " Fourteen",
15: " Fifteen",
16: " Sixteen",
17: " Seventeen",
18: " Eighteen",
19: " Nineteen"
// 20, 30 ~ 90
const tenObj = {
2: " Twenty",
3: " Thirty",
4: " Forty",
5: " Fifty",
6: " Sixty",
7: " Seventy",
8: " Eighty",
9: " Ninety"
// 数字大小限制为Billion级别,所以只需要以下几个就行了
const unitAry = ["", " Thousand", " Million", " Billion"];
// 这个数决定选取当前的数字块后面加的单位
let count = 0;
let str = "";
if (num === 0) return "Zero";
if (num < 0) {
num = Math.abs(num);
// 将数字按照3位分割 分割后的数字 除了后面附带的单位不一样,其他的都相同处理方法
while (num > 0) {
const newNum = num % 1000;
const newNumStr = convertNumToStr(newNum);
str = (newNumStr === "" ? "" : (newNumStr + unitAry[count])) + (str === "" ? "" : (" " + str));
num = parseInt(num / 1000);
return "Minus " +str.replace(/s{2,}/g, " ");
// 将数字按照3位分割 分割后的数字 除了后面附带的单位不一样,其他的都相同处理方法
while (num > 0) {
const newNum = num % 1000;
const newNumStr = convertNumToStr(newNum);
str = (newNumStr === "" ? "" : (newNumStr + unitAry[count])) + (str === "" ? "" : (" " + str));
num = parseInt(num / 1000);
return str.replace(/s{2,}/g, " ");
function convertNumToStr(num) {
let str = "";
const n1 = parseInt(num / 100);
if (n1 > 0) {
str += unitObj[n1] + " Hundred";
let n2 = num % 100;
if (n2 > 19) {
const tenCount = parseInt(n2 / 10);
const geCount = n2 % 10;
str += tenObj[tenCount];
if (geCount > 0) {
str += unitObj[geCount];
} else if (n2 > 0) {
str += unitObj[n2];
return str.trim();
3. Effect demonstration
Click the form to view the implementation effect directly:Click View
Figure 3-1 effect demonstration
4. Try it online tplUuid=TPL_PU5YTWOM9JZ9ZVYBDLFG
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