Form neutron table sending process
This case comes from Feng Peng, a three-party developer 」
1. Usage scenarios
In this example, we will learn how to start the sub-process based on the sub-form content after the form is submitted in YIDA.
2. Implement functions
2.1 Process page configuration

2.2 form page configuration

Edit the uuid field formula:

2.3 function configuration
(1) variable configuration
The default value is modified as needed.

(2) Data source configuration
Reference documents:Process initiation
The interface configuration is as follows:

Data source address:

Data source parameters:

(3) bind the following functions to page beforeSubmit

export async function beforeSubmit({ formDataMap }) {
if (!this.utils.isSubmissionPage()) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
const arr = this.$('tableField_l9y2sfwe').getValue();
const uuid = this.$('textField_la98d80q').getValue();
const warehouseName = this.$('selectField_l9y2sfwc').getValue();
let data = [];
let errors = [];
const count = arr.length;
const dialog = this.utils.dialog({
method: 'alert',
title: '处理中,请不要关闭浏览器',
content: `预计需要 ${count / 5} 秒`,
footer: false,
// 循环调用发起流程接口,注意节流
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const delay = i === 0 ? 0 : 200;
await new Promise((resolve => {
setTimeout(async () => {
const empArr = arr[i] => {
return item.value;
const imgArr = arr[i] => {
return {
downloadUrl: items.downloadURL,
previewUrl: items.url,
url: items.downloadURL,
formDataJson: JSON.stringify({
textField_la98qwt1: uuid,
selectField_l9yc8jpd: warehouseName,
employeeField_l9yc8jpe: window.loginUser.userId,
numberField_l9yc8jpc: arr[i].numberField_l9ybnzr5,
employeeField_l9y2tffz: empArr,
textField_l9y2tffv: arr[i].textField_l9y2sfwg,
selectField_l9y2tffx: arr[i].selectField_l9y2sfwi,
dateField_l9y2tfg1: arr[i].dateField_l9y2sfwn,
imageField_l9y2tfg3: imgArr
try {
const res = await this.dataSourceMap.addData.load();
} catch (e) {
}, delay);
let content = '处理成功';
if (errors.length > 0) {
content = (
{ => {
return <p>{error}</p>
method: 'alert',
title: `处理完成,共发起 ${data.length} 条,失败 ${errors.length} 条`,
onOk: () => { },
onCancel: () => { },
return Promise.resolve(true);
3. Achieve results

4. Try it online
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