In the form, the main table data obtained through the data source is displayed in the sub-table.
This case is from Jing, a three-party developer 」
1. Usage scenarios
This case can be used when we need to get the main table data to fill in the subform.
2. Implement functions
2.1. Configure student information table

2.2. Configuration Table sheet page

2.3. Add a remote data source to the data source
Reference documents:Search form instance details by criteria
Data source address:
`/${window.pageConfig.appType || window.g_config.appKey}/v1/form/searchFormDatas.json`
The interface configuration is as follows:

2.4. Configure the drop-down radio component

2.5. Configure drop-down radio component events
Note that the unique identifier of the component is modified according to the actual situation. Due to the limitation of interface performance, this example supports up to 100 instances in a single query.

export function onClassChange({ value, actionType, item }) {
if (value) {
const loading = this.utils.toast({
title: '数据获取中...',
type: 'loading'
formUuid: 'FORM-4G8667A15KZAZ18LC189F769PN0R2IOTMNZHLG1',
searchFieldJson: JSON.stringify({
textField_lbfwjvxw: value
pageSize: 100
}).then(res => {
const { data = [] } = res;
const tableData = => {
const { formData } = item;
return {
textField_lbfx2ifr: formData.textField_lbfwjvxx, // 姓名
numberField_lbfx2ifs: formData.numberField_lbfwjvxy, // 年龄
numberField_lc72rbdk: formData.numberField_lc72oufl // 总分
// _.sumBy:lodash方法,宜搭已默认内置,具体可见:
const totalScore = _.sumBy(tableData, 'numberField_lc72rbdk'); // 班级总分
// 班级平均分
const aveScore = totalScore / tableData.length;
this.$('numberField_lc72rbdp').setValue(totalScore); // 班级总分
this.$('numberField_lc72rbdq').setValue(aveScore); // 班级平均分
}).catch(error => {
title: error.message,
type: 'error'
} else {
3. Effect

4. Try it online
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