2019 and previous updates
YIDA 1.0.5-1.0.7 2019.11.26
- Account
- Supports non-DingTalk accounts to use YIDA (external)
- YIDA optimization of experiencer registration logic
- Platform
- Supports sales specifications of various versions (permissions & capacity limits)
- Non-DingTalk enterprises support custom organization architecture management
- Supports setting personal email addresses and email notification (external)
- Support Code Service second section
- Account authorization is supported for primary and sub-administrators.
- Role adding personnel can be added in batches by department.
- Application
- Application administrator permission breakdown
- Data Administrator: Can View data and cannot design forms
- Developer administrator: can design forms and cannot view data
- Master Administrator: design forms, view data, maintain administrator lists, modify and delete applications
- The application key can be viewed by the master administrator.
- Application replication/distribution supports content replication such as processes, business rules, message notifications, and print settings.
- Page
- Support settings for document data viewing permissions
- Permission to view document data can be authorized by the personnel component in the form.
- Upload images and attachments
- Process
- Advanced process designer open to the public
- Approval messages support DingTalk to-do list
- Approval button text support customization
- Business Association rules are supported when entering or exiting nodes.
- Flow chart allows you to quickly create a data management page
- "Obtain the task list under processing based on the data ID" interface is open.
- Report
- Several data are ready to be opened to the outside world.
- Component
- The electronic signature component supports multiple seals and multiple seals.
- Mobile table component optimization
- OCR plug-in supports small images
- Department component default list optimization
- Department components support data linkage
- Other
- Supports scheduled message alerts.
- Batch import supports triggering business rules
- Support Image Printing
- The comment content can be printed.
- The algorithm plug-in is open: "invoice identification", "ID card identification", "passport identification", "driving license identification", "driver license identification", "business card identification", "official seal shi farewell", "Administrative region query" and "IP location"
YIDA 1.0.4 2019.07.02
1. [external version] supports the establishment of development partner (ISV) enterprises and the application distribution function.
2. On the data management page, select multiple conditions and filter by or relationship.
3. Intelligent message reminder function
4. The plug-in center is online. Currently, OCR is available for trial use.
5. EXperience Optimization: mobile approval page operation history and button style optimization
YIDA 1.0.3 2019.05.28
1. Document instance import supports custom names
2. [external version] optimization of new enterprise opening process
3. Add & optimize components: form components for newly enriched text boxes; Multiple-choice input box components open the attributes of counters and upper limit of words; Simplified interaction logic of electronic signature components;
4. Performance Optimization: PWA static resource cache is introduced into PC pages; Some mobile pages are connected to E programs; Some interfaces are optimized.
YIDA 1.0.2 2019.04.10
1. The data preparation function is launched to support multi-data source (YIDA, count, ODPS, EXCEL, etc.) multi-table Association query and offline analysis.
2. The process designer supports the post-signing function.
3. The format of the print template date component supports customization.
5. Process third-party service acquisition approver exception reminder optimization
6. Add the function of generating QR codes to links in sharing settings
7. The access address of the application LOGO can be set.
8. Some experience details Optimization & BUGFIX
9. [external version] commercialized on YIDA and started selling on Alibaba Cloud official website:
10. [external version] tasks to be approved support configuration push DingTalk to-do Task Center
11. [internal version] supports underlying data synchronization of AECP metadata
YIDA 2019.02.28
1. Template Center Phase II, visual and interactive optimization is completed, video is supported, advanced formulas, jump links, and data are copied (optional)
2. Document instances can be uploaded to excel for batch modification.
3. Support containers for document control permission fields
4. The Function of large attachments is open. Currently, it is still accessible through the intranet, but the capacity of a single file can reach 1G.
5. Process designer Phase II, CC and advanced formula function release
6. Regional components are released, overseas extensions are added, and other countries/regions are supported.
7. [external version] add CC to the enterprise dimension Task Center
YIDA 1.0.0 2018.09.20
1. Advanced process designer (wireframe designer) released
2. The template market is released. Currently, more than 60 templates are available, and users are supported to contribute applications to templates.
3. Batch print file names support customization (serial number-form data-instance title)
4. The YIDA external interface supports SHA256 signatures.
5. Process support using excel import batch launch
6. Multi-select components support association option settings
7. Create a form and select groups.
8. Add an instance associated component
9. Add electronic signature components to support riding seals
10. [external version] The Task Center supports serial number query.
11. [external version] reports support data export
v0.6.4 2018.08.21
- Supports schedule email notifications, which are synchronized to the cloud mailbox schedule and displayed in internal and external schedules.
- User status supports batch printing
- Data import supports details, country, address, time interval, and cascading components.
- Advanced formulas support built-in variables: instance ID, creator, creation time, and modification time.
- User status supports batch import of documents
- Add a new entry to the user status document management page
- Open the HTML function on the display page to support richer display methods.
- Flow chart add the current handler to the report side
- Approval comments support attachment
- The process provides the re-initiation function.
- Third-party pages are supported for jump addresses after submission.
- Some BUG fixes, overall performance optimization, Page opening speed optimization improved by 30%
v0.6.3 2018.06.25
- Open serial/parallel settings for process infrastructure nodes
- Apply logo replacement
- Callback third-party services support HSF types
- The printing function can be configured to show/hide
- Add the navigation of the application Dimension CC to me
- excel import names are automatically aligned
- Add application replication
- Add the Open Gateway Interface: The application dimension needs to be processed by me, initiated by me, processed by me, obtained the approval History, obtained the CC task, and obtained the form structure.
- Message support for third-party services
- Add a record in the drop-down Radio
- Add form components: Tag component, nationality component
- The navigation menu can be displayed or hidden according to the settings of different terminals (PC/mobile).
- The form component can be displayed or hidden according to different settings (PC/mobile).
- You can configure the link to submit a successful jump.
v0.6.2 2018.05.28
- The process supports the CC node type. The CC node person receives the message and grants access to the approval form.
- YIDA add a printing module to customize templates for printing
- The temporary storage function is added to the form/process. You can enable the configuration on the settings page. After the configuration is enabled, the corresponding operation will be displayed on the launch page.
- Add a scoring component to the document/process/Display type page
- Node rule Configuration Optimization: the process node dimension supports custom business logic (formula verification, Advanced Business Association, and third-party service callback)
- The document instance cannot be pushed to YIDA application dimension or enterprise dimension Task Center. This is enabled by default and can be configured to close on the settings page.
- Process/document Title support personnel search box
- Drop-down component, if data Association has only one value, as the default value
- The person chooses to cancel the default sorting logic as the approver.
- The first line of the detail component is added by 1 after the name by default.
- Select a component for the department. The display name is changed to reverse by default.
v0.6.1 2018.04.19
- Serial Number Generator: The new function needs to be enabled on the document/process settings page.
- Reports support data analysis of detail components: detail components push sub-tables separately and can be associated in reports.
- Enhanced process return: supports rollback to historical approval nodes
- Optimization of the undo function of the process: revocation is also allowed in scenarios where the resubmit node and the current approver are equal to the initiator.
- Process "message" Notification: add different templates according to the completion status (agree/reject/revoke, terminate)
- Advanced functions are supported during form editing.
- COUNT function supports job number & time statistics
- Open custom verification for form components
- Role Management supports search
- Data management supports exporting the download addresses of attachments and images.
- Report Designer upgrade. Use the following documentation:https://yuque.com/yida/help/report-design
- Add signature mechanism to HTTP-type third-party services
- Open Gateway Service added: three task query interfaces in the enterprise personnel dimension (to-do, done, and initiated)
- (External) by default, the previous handler field is added to the message notification.
- (External) add the enterprise dimension administrator function and disable the DingTalk management synchronization function
v0.6.0 2018.03.26
- Email sending supports external email
- Page performance interface performance monitoring tracking
- Add operations to list on the data management page: Details
- The Mail interface supports rich text.
- Access workflow feedback center on the details page
- The node can specify the N-level subordinate of a role in reverse order as the approver.
- Process nodes are merged with adjacent approvals, and the initiator is filtered as the approver.
- Supports serial approval within the link.
- Application creation process optimization
- The selection component supports the default selection of personnel.
- The date interval component that supports time interval calculation.
- External versions support the settings of application sub-administrators.
- The date component supports complete formats.
- Partial experience optimization
v0.5.4 2018.02.08
- All pages can be forced to use language versions. For example, carrying_locale_lang = en forces the pages to be changed to English.
- The name of the default navigation (pending, processed, and created by me) can be modified.
- The width of the form component (except for the date range, single choice, multiple choice, and check mode of the drop-down component) is open.
- Details component internal field Open field permission settings
- YIDA external exposure interface sorting & Documentation
- The new component specification is implemented and the visual effect is optimized. For more information, see:https://lark.alipay.com/letsgo/ppkssz/tc503z
- Third-party services can be configured at the end of the process.
- New template online: Lottery, leave scheduling
The following are user-insensitive features
- According to the enterprise/application dimension authorization & configuration function, the subsequent scalable docking charging module
- Connect to the Iservice platform:iss.alibaba-inc.com
- retcode monitoring tracking completed
v0.5.3 2018.01.10
- The date component supports optional or optional ranges.
- You can set the viewing state size style of the image component.
- Image components and attachment components support data Association.
- The container is hidden and the internal components are not verified.
- The process initiation phase supports changes to other form data (advanced functions)
- Message notification support initiator
- **The Process Node allows you to distinguish between the status buttons of adding and non-signing settings.
- Short share connection
- Report support process status and approval result variables
- The display class page supports form class components and code editing entries.
- Add function: Set function, no duplicate verification function for detail fields, unique number function
- Date formula supports time zones
v0.5.2 2017.12.18
- Lottery component online
- Report Designer upgrade
- Option component internationalization override
- The process node can be empty.
- Added basic function: current login person, number to Chinese
- Added advanced functions: INSERT,UPDATE,UPSERT,DELETE, and other four invoicing functions
- Performance Optimization of some pages
v0.5.1 2017.11.21
- Document type page edit state use latest form
- External data report cleaning support, increase template usage statistics
- Add favorites to the Application Center
- Support Node return for process approval
- Single page submit button to prevent repeated submission optimization
- Instance query interface, open support agent query
- Initiate page approval optimization based on reporting line
- Document type background management supports batch deletion
- Complete the overall purchase, sale and storage plan, and support detailed component input.
- DingTalk PC-side message push login-free solution transformation
v0.5.0 2017.11.02
- Help Center construction
- Open data interface gateway service
- The management page supports data permissions.
- The management page supports search and sorting at the start time and creation time.
- The underlying construction of the purchase, sale and storage module is completed in the first phase and has not been opened for use.
- Build the statistical dimension data report of the platform itself
- Code logic adjustment that does not conform to the code specification
- Process revocation function optimization
- Message template support variables
- [HR] end of process undo update last handler
v0.4.0 2017.09.17
- Manage background data list pages, generate default list pages, and allow users to customize fixed filters
- The single-select component is associated with other form data functions, adding multi-field support. Additional restrictions are imposed on multiple-select components.
- New interface registration for resource management supports HTTP,HSF, and gateway interfaces.
- Process initiation and view page add interface callback service configuration
- Initiate, view, and add custom permission configurations to the PC page and mobile page. If the verification fails, jump to the unauthorized page.
- Add custom permission configuration to initiate the instance interface. If verification fails, an exception is thrown.
- Several bugfixes: the submit button of the mobile terminal will float when iphone7, the digital component verification prompts error correction, and the mobile terminal will prevent repeated submission.
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