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2022.06.21 update-YIDA product update overview

1. This product capability optimization map

This overall update focuses onHigh stability and high expansionAndEasy ConnectionThree major themes have upgraded the basic capabilities of YIDA

2. Product optimization details

2.1 Integration & automation support serial numbers

  • 优化前:Integration & automation does not support serial number transfer.
  • 优化后:You can use the add data node in integration and automation to select the serial number field in the system to transfer serial numbers across forms.

2.2 Process completion support assigning different field permissions by member

当前状态:Published流程设计器范围:Simple process designer & Advanced Process designer

2.2.1 upgrade overview

Before optimization

After optimization

After the process is completed, the fields that all members can view are uniformly configured for the global field permissions of the process, and the differentiation of thousands of people is not supported;

For process participants (initiator, approver, executor, CC), field permissions take effect according to the field permissions configuration in the process node;

For non-process participants, you can configure different field permissions for different members in the view permission group;

For process participants and permission group members, the field permissions are combined with the above two blocks;

  1. Process participants

After the process is completed, different node participants have the permission to view the fields as "global field configuration of the process" and cannot view the node fields differently;

  1. Non-process participants

Process View only supports inherit field permission configuration in process design, but does not support custom configuration;

  1. Process participants

After the process is completed, approver/executor/CC: still retains the field permissions in the process node, initiator: still retains the field permissions configured in the initiator node;

If the same member participates in multiple nodes of the approval process, field permissions merge the field permissions configured by multiple nodes;

Special note: after this update, after the process participant is completed, the field permission is set to node permission by default 」

(After the original completion, all visible fields are unified to "globally set field permissions". This update will change the original logic. Please note that)

  1. Non-process participants

If the view permission of the process is configured in permission settings> view status permission group, the field permission takes effect according to the field permission configuration of the permission group, the permission group supports custom field permissions;

  1. If a member is a process participant, the administrator assigns a process view permission to the member in permission settings.

Then, the field permissions of the permission group and the node field permissions are combined and calculated in the field permissions section;

Merge calculation rules: editable & other permissions = editable; Read-only & encryption = read-only; Read-only & hidden = read-only;

2.2.2 detailed introduction of field permissions at each stage of the process

Process phase


Field permissions

This change


1. In the process of handling

(That is, the current processing node)

Permission group members

Obtain the field permissions configured by the permission Group

| Permission group: you can inherit the global settings of the process and customize field permissions)

Added support: permission group custom field permissions

Overall principle: maintain online logic

Process participants

Take the current node field permission

| Multiple nodes do not merge calculations


Permission group members & process participants

Take the current node field permission

| Multiple nodes do not merge calculations


2. Node processing completed, process not completed

(That is, the current processing node has been completed)

Permission group members

Obtain the field permissions configured by the permission Group

| Permission group: you can inherit the global settings of the process and customize field permissions.

Added support: permission group custom field permissions

Overall principle: maintain online logic

Process participants

Fetch global field settings


Permission group members & process participants

Fetch global field settings


3. After the process is completed

Permission group members

Obtain the field permissions configured by the permission Group

| Permission group: you can inherit the global settings of the process and customize field permissions.

Added support: permission group custom field permissions

Overall principles:

  1. After completion, the process participant views the field permissions of the participating node.
  2. Support editing after finishing

Process participants

Node permissions (merge multiple nodes)

Change the global field permission of the process from the original to the inherited node field permission.

Permission group members & process participants

Permission Group permission & node permission merge

  1. Add Support permission group custom field permissions
  2. From the original "unified process global field permission after completion", change to inherit node field permission


  • To support editing flow chart after completion, you need to go to the page settings> permission settings> view status permission group, configure edit permissions for permission members (see section 2.3 for more information)
  • The merge calculation of the above field permissions is not performed in accordance with the row permission (each piece of data); (the original field merge calculation logic is maintained, and no adjustment is made in this period);
  • On the data management page, the field permissions of the data are inherited from the field permissions configured by the permissions;

2.3 Support editing after the process is completed

当前状态:Published流程设计器范围:Simple process designer & Advanced Process designer

  • 优化前:Editing is not supported after the process is completed.
  • 优化后:You can customize which members can edit the process after completion;

You can configure the permission members, data ranges, and edit fields of the editable process in the permission group of page settings> permission settings> view status;


Editable field permissions

Permission group members only

Obtain the field permissions configured by the permission Group

Permission group members & process participants

Merge the fields and node permissions configured by the permission Group


  • After editing is enabled and the process is completed, the form field range editable by the permission member should be configured in field permission;
  • After the process is edited, the approval will not be automatically re-initiated. Please assign the editing permission carefully;
  • If the current process is configured to insert data from other forms through node rules or connectors, the node rules or connectors will not be automatically re-executed after the process data is edited;
  • If you set the interface to obtain the current process data, the interface will not automatically perform the update after the process data is edited;

2.4 The role specified by the process approver node supports multiple selection.

Before optimization

After optimization

The specified roles in the approver settings in process design only support one choice, which cannot meet the business scenarios where multiple roles participate.

The specified role supports multiple selections to meet business requirements such as contract approval that require countersigning by multiple people and roles.

2.5 Process reminder

Before optimization

After optimization

  1. The reminder function style is not obvious
  2. You can only send reminder messages in the form of job notifications.
  3. If there are more than one approval node, you cannot select a person to urge the office.

Schematic diagram of approval progress before optimization

Schematic diagram of reminder for multi-person approval

The approval reminder office before optimization only supports sending job notifications.

  • When the approval node is a single person, a reminder is displayed after the node. After clicking, the reminder pop-up window is displayed. You can choose the reminder method. Currently, DingTalk single chat and DingTalk to-do list are supported.
  • When a node has multiple approvers, the node displays a reminder. You can select the approver of the current node in the reminder pop-up window (the optional range is the current node approver set, not the organization owner set)

Initiate reminders

Select reminder object and method

Reminder effect

2.6 process submission verification

When submitting (process) forms, if required items are not filled in, highlight the reminder and locate it automatically.

Submit verification effect

2.7 In-end process details page display

  • 优化前:You can view the process details and approve the process only by clicking jump to the new page.
  • 优化后:Click the process card to view the process details and approve them in the sidebar within DingTalk.

2.8 process approval card optimization

(1) approval card content support customization

  • 优化前:The default field is the approval title, initiator, and launch time, and cannot be customized;
  • 优化后:The content of the quick approval card supports custom selection of form fields and custom sorting of selected fields.


  • Advanced process designer currently does not support
  • Operation path: Process Design> Global Settings> approval summary settings
  • The components in the form areHidden StateFieldCannot be revealed in the approval card
  • You can select up to five fields.

(2) add quick approval button for approval card

  • 优化前:You can view details only. You can click a new page to perform approval operations.
  • 优化后:A new approval button is added at the bottom of the quick approval card. Immersive approval operations without page jump bring a smooth approval experience.

2.9 process replication

  • 优化前:The process details page replication function does not support copying the original page data linkage rules.
  • 优化后:The process details page replication feature supports page-level data linkage.


In the original flow chart, Field 1 is set to enter "a", Field 2 is set to "B", field 3 is set to splice formula, and the result "AB" is automatically generated 」. When you copy a process page, data linkage rules such as formulas are copied together. After copying, modify the values of Field 1 and field 2. The values of field 3 still respond to formula rules.

Before copying the process

After the process is copied

2.10 new approval form support selection sharing


  1. Operation path: process details page> Share> share to chat
  2. Only DingTalk-end operations are supported.
  3. If the selected person is not a process-related person, you do not have permission to view the process page.

2.11 process multi-level approval support configuration


  • Enabled: the approval process is approved in the order of the supervisor.
  • Closed: only the supervisor of the approval endpoint approves
  • Configuration path: Process Design> approver node> multi-level supervisor> continuous multi-level
  • When you specify a role, only YIDA roles can be selected. Currently, DingTalk roles cannot be selected.

2.12 add process preview switch

When the process is submitted, whether the process preview information pop-up window is displayed can be configured at will. One-click switch makes the page cleaner and the approval more convenient.


  • Configuration path: Flow Chart> Page Settings> Basic Settings> common Settings> Page operations
  • When a node is selected by the initiator in the process, the process preview is enabled by default and is not controlled by the switch.

2.13 FaaS connector supports multiple languages

  • 优化前:FaaS connector only supportsJavaProgramming language
  • 优化后:AddnodejsAndPythonSupport for Programming Languages; Two new programming languages support break-point test

You can select a development language to create a connector.

2.14 filter conditions for report charts must support multi-department scenario filtering

If the report visitor belongs to multiple departments and the data instance permission is set to multiple departments

  • 优化前:The corresponding instance data can be viewed only when all department relationships need to be completely matched.
  • 优化后:When only one department relationship meets the match, usein condition matching,You can view the corresponding instance data.

2.15 PC-side address book visible range synchronize DingTalk address book permission configuration 」

Before optimization

After optimization

YIDA PC, all members can see all members and departments under the organization

YIDA PC, support administrator configuration: Members can see the organization department and membership scope, whether it is controlled by the DingTalk address book visibility configuration

  1. DingTalk manage the permissions of the address book of the organization in the background:

  1. The upper and lower levels are associated with the organization, and the visible range of the address book is set.

Operation path: mobile DingTalk home page> Contacts> Select organization> Management> subordinate organization> backbone organization> select the branch organization to be set

  1. YIDA whether the platform settings are limited by the DingTalk address book visible permissions

To give YIDA customers more custom choices, add configurations on the YIDA side. The platform administrator can select whether to be controlled by the DingTalk address book permissions according to the actual situation of the organization.


For existing organizations, the initialization switch is enabled, that is, all employees can access the entire address book of the organization;

For new organizations, the initialization switch is turned off, that is, the address book range is visible to all employees, which is limited by the DingTalk address book visible permission;


  • DingTalk the master and sub-administrator can still view all departments and members of the organization address book without being affected by this configuration;
  • The impact scope of this update is: select a person and select a Department page on the PC side of the whole platform;
  • Mobile: by default, the visible range of the DingTalk address book is limited;

2.16 permission management of the development administrator and data administrator functions

For refined application management, YIDA grants application development (editing) permission and data management permission to development administrator and data administrator respectively to meet the needs of users 「If you do not want an application developer, you can view all data under the application 」The requirements.

This issue mainly aims at solving the problems that the functional permissions of the two types of administrators are chaotic and do not conform to the design. The functional permissions of the two types of administrators after governance are shown in the following figure;

The 2.17 YIDA open interface supports the submitter organization field.

  1. Form instance details interface
  1. Interface for obtaining form instance data in batches

2.18 upgrade associated form components

Before optimization

After optimization

Import does not support associated forms

Excel import supports data import of associated forms. Data filling and linkage are not currently supported.

  1. Primary table import (not supported for sub-tables)
  2. Manage/access state import
  • Special instructions:

If invalid data exists in Excel, valid data is successfully imported into the table. If invalid data is not imported, an error is reported.

Verification logic: Excel import verification logic takes the UUID of the first form of Excel for verification. If the data is different, the error data will be considered.

  • Instructions for use:

Format Description: when importing associated form data, the title can be the main title or the main title-subtitle. The imported data format must be provided according to the title [], the associated instance id must be entered in []. You cannot import cross-application Association forms.

Sample data: Associate form title [FINST-GO766481LI61UXEQCX2YV7JUGRKW2EVCZD64L0]

Export associated form exists []

Export the associated form cancel [], export the primary information field, secondary information field, and instance ID information of the associated form,Ensure that the exported data can be quickly modified and re-imported.

2.19 data management page upgrade

  1. Alignment of batch data operations on the front and back of the data management page

The foreground can open the buttons of batch modify data, batch download files, batch print selected data, and batch delete selected data according to the permission control, by default, the configuration can be displayed in the permission settings of the management page generated in the form background.

Before optimization

After optimization

Batch operations are available on the background data management page.

Front-end data management also does not have batch operations (batch download files, batch print, batch download QR codes, batch modify, batch delete)

Configure the permission group on the background data management page. Whether the foreground displays batch operations

After the background configuration is revealed, the foreground data management page can perform batch operations;

  1. The mobile side of the list supports custom sorting and display columns. The PC side also supports custom sorting and display columns, and supports viewing thousands of people and thousands of data.

Before optimization

After optimization

  1. The access status of the data management page does not support batch data-related operations, such as batch modification, download, printing, and deletion.
  2. The access status of the data management page does not support setting display columns and sorting.
  1. Access Status of normal forms or flow chart data management pages
    1. You can modify data in batches, download files in batches, print selected data in batches, and delete selected data in batches,By default, you can control the permissions of the operation button in the management page permission group generated in the form background.
    2. SupportCustom sortingAnd set display columns (freeze columns and adjust column order) for double-end adaptation.
      1. The fields that can be sorted in the foreground list are limited by the range of sorting fields in the background list.
  1. The modification records, file download records, and print records added in the access state operation records can only see the data records that you have operated. The background management state administrator can see all the operation data records.

Common form

Flow chart

Common form

Flow chart

The mobile terminal only supports filtering, and does not support custom sorting and setting display columns.

Mobile SupportCustom sortingAnd set display columns

  1. Data Management page list hidden fields support field display

Before optimization

After optimization

The filter condition on the data management page. If the component form settings are hidden or the permission group settings are hidden, the filter condition cannot be used. However, you can select a filter condition, but it does not take effect after the selection.

  • The data management page of the application management background. Hidden fields can be displayed as search criteria and settings lists.
  • The application accesses the foreground. According to the permissions of the current account, the fields with permissions can be set as search criteria and displayed in the Settings list.

  1. Common form Excel import supports modifying the Author (please look forward to ..)

Before optimization

After optimization

The normal form does not support the submitter setting, but can only be the current submitter.

Common forms support the submitter settings, which are consistent with flow chart.

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